
Sting Ray – Front Squat Stabilizer


Lifts the bar off the collar bone allowing full expansion of the rib cage.
Provides easy bar control without stressing shoulder, elbow, or wrists
Allows the widest rack on the body by moving the load out to the front delt.

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Sting Ray Front Squat Make stronger Harness Use this to take the stress and painful weight off of your shoulders when doing front squats Sting Ray Front Squat Make stronger Harness The Front Squat is a great exercise for the athlete, bodybuilder, powerlifter, or for people with general fitness goals, but the negative aspects of the movement bring a ton of excess baggage. Most strength coaches prefer the Olympic clean style grip because it gives the lifter a wider “rack” on the bar and due to this fact more stability. The problem with this conventional grip is that it’s almost not possible for anyone with shoulder, elbow or wrist problems and most lifters lack the necessary flexibility in these joints anyway. This grip also requires external rotation of the Humerus (upper arm bone) stressing the shoulder joint and mechanically causing even more limits on flexibility. The crossed arm grip has a load of downsides too. Narrow rack with less stability, more crush to the shoulders and it’s harder to keep the bar from rolling back into the throat, or down the arms. No wonder the front squat is on a regular basis tried once and tossed out. With either grip the bar can rest on the collar bone, press down on the sternum and cause the lifter to run out of breath long before leg strength. Now, the Sting Ray? removes some of these negatives from one of the powerful exercises to be had. The Sting Ray?: · Lifts the bar off the collar bone allowing full expansion of the rib cage! · Provides easy bar keep an eye on without stressing shoulder, elbow, or wrists! · Allows the widest rack on the body by moving the load out to the front delt! · Keeps the Humerus in a secure neutral position! · Protects the lifters body so all new repair tissue goes where you need it! · Small and lightweight yet virtually indestructible for years of tough service!
Lifts the bar off the collar bone allowing full expansion of the rib cage.
Provides easy bar keep an eye on without stressing shoulder, elbow, or wrists
Allows the widest rack on the body by moving the load out to the front delt.
Small and lightweight yet virtually indestructible for years of tough service.
Protects the lifters body so all new repair tissue goes where you need it.

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