
Pull Up Bar – METRx 180 Door Way Pull Up Bar – This home pull bar helps tone your chest, arms and back at your own pace. The workout bar is made of sturdy steel. Easily attach and remove it from a door’s frame. Ideal for pull-ups, push-ups, chin-ups, dips, crunches, and more. Create that chiseled body from the comfort of home.

$79.99 $13.50 (as of February 27, 2015, 6:45 pm)

With a total of 12 separate grip locations, the MET-Rx door way pull up bar gives you the option to perform a variety of pull-ups using different hand positions, targeting different muscle groups.
Ideal for pull-ups, push-ups, chin-ups, dips, crunches, and more.
Uncover your chiseled body from the comfort and privacy of home – no costly gym membership fees.

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Give a boost to your back, biceps, and other upper body muscles in the comfort of your home or office with the MET-Rx 180 pull-up bar. Designed to fit conveniently in most doorway frames, With a total of 12 separate grip locations, the MET-Rx door way pull up bar offers you the option to perform a lot of exercises the usage of different hand positions, targeting different muscle groups. Here’s a sample of what you’ll be able to use the MET-Rx pull up bar for: * Wide Front Pull-Ups * Reverse Grip Chin-Ups * Closed Grip Overhand Pull-Ups * Switch Grip Pull-Ups * Corn Cob Pull-Ups Place the bar on the floor for push-ups, dips, and take a seat-ups, the MET-Rx 180 bar is a perfect choice for people who need to get fit without buying expensive, space-intensive weight sets. The MET-Rx 180 bar uses a durable steel frame, installs quickly, holds up to 300 pounds, and is designed to fit residential doorways 24 to 32 inches wide, with doorway trim or molding up to 3.5 inches wide. BOTTOM LINE- The MET-Rx 180 bar is a multi-function training bar that combines every exercise you want to build a powerful upper body. Its the ultimate body sculpting and strength building tool that helps shape the upper body and tones your midsection.
With a total of 12 separate grip locations, the MET-Rx door way pull up bar offers you the option to perform a lot of pull-ups the usage of different hand positions, targeting different muscle groups.
Ideal for pull-ups, push-ups, chin-ups, dips, crunches, and more.
Uncover your chiseled body from the comfort and privacy of home – no costly gym membership fees.
Work at your own pace to increase muscle tone and fitness.
Installs in minutes.