
Hampton 55 lb Dura-Bell Urethane Coated Pro-Hex Dumbbell Pair


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The Dura-Bell from Hampton Fitness offers one of the crucial exceptional innovations within the fitness industry because the grip plate. Dont be fooled by substandard imitations the structural integrity of the Dura-Bell Dumbbell is guaranteed! Hampton Fitness holds the U.S. patent on a round cylinder head that may be screwed onto the end of a solid dumbbell care for then reinforced with a quarter-inch roll pin through the head and care for itself. This dumbbell is guaranteed to not come loose! Hamptons competitors use hexagon-shaped heads and Urethane-coating. And unlike its competitors Hampton exclusively uses non-porous urethane. Bring home the unbelievable guaranteed quality of the only and only Dura-Bell Dumbbell. Hampton was once the first company to introduce this sort of dumbbell to the marketNon-porous Urethane is easier to clean more hygienic and longer lasting than rubber.No toxic smell like other rubber dumbbellsThe 30 mm Ergonomic hardened Chrome Handles are secured to the heads of Dura-Bell dumbbells with patented processSold In pairs Size-55 lb Pair